Melia Iguazú Book now Facilities, services and amenities for kidsAccept kids of all ages Dedicated family check-in deskKids stay free with an adult in room (under 12 years old)Connecting or family roomsOffer a 50% discount on second room for kidsCrib / roll away bed available on requestservices, such as a stroller, bottle warmer, pacifier and diapers, available on requestitems to childproof your roomKids welcome gift or snacksKidsize bathrobes and slippers in roomChildren's books and movies available on requestbabysitting services on requestSpecial price for kids food (e.g. 50% discount on breakfast buffet)Kids menu in restaurantHigh chairs and other children's amenities available in restaurant (such as tableware and cutlery)A (kids) poolTeenage, Kids and/or Baby ClubKids SpaKids ExcursionsKids sports lessonsnearby medical servicesconcierge recommending and/or arranging good children's activities in the city or surroundings of the hotel